viernes, septiembre 23, 2005
Peter Morville tiene nuevo libro “Ambient Findability What We Find Changes Who We Become” Leemos en Cadius “El libro reflexiona sobre el estado actual de sobreinformación, tratando las mejores técnicas de organización, búsqueda y recuperación de información en sitios Web.
Otros artículos con referencias a Morville en Moebius
En otros Blogs en Ingles:
Peter Morville publishes "Ambient Findability"13 Sep 2005 Por Mark
How do you find your way in an age of information overload? How can you filter streams of complex information to pull out only what you want? Why does it matter how information is structured when Google seems to magically bring up the ...
Putting people first -
Peter Morville's findability blog13 Sep 2005 Por self
Peter Morville has started a blog about findability, the topic of his informative and highly readable book, Ambient Findability. [Tags: taxonomy EverythingIsMiscellaneous PeterMorville]
Bloug -
Search, Findability, The Google Economy: How It Shapes Us14 Sep 2005 Por Casey
The first is Peter Morville’s Ambient Findability. The second is John Battelle’s The Search. Findability appears to ask the big question that I’ve been pushing toward. From the description at Amazon:. Are we truly at a critical point in ...
Twan van Elk -
New From Peter Morville Ambient Findability15 Sep 2005
Peter Morville has a new Blog and a new Book You can read the first chapter of his New Book Ambient Findability It covers the convergence of information and connectivity Morville discusses the Internet GIS and other network technologies ... -
Ambient findability14 Sep 2005
It would be exciting news in itself to learn that Peter Morville had started a blog. Through his pioneering work in information architecture, user experience, and other areas, Morville has really led the way for our profession and ...
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